profane hours

by david brazil

David Brazil (center, with his friend Nick Baranowski and son Sam) is a poet, essayist, novelist, and translator. His books include figurae (The Last Books, 2022), Mnemosyne (Erotoplasty, 2022), Holy Ghost (City Lights, 2017), antisocial patience (Roof, 2015), and The Ordinary (Compline, 2013). His new edition of Beat poet Philip Whalen's book-length masterpiece Scenes of Life at the Capital was published by Wave Books in 2020. With Kevin Killian, he edited the Kenning Anthology of Poets Theater: 1945-1985. Alongside Chika Okoye, he was the founding co-curator of the Black Life series at the Berkeley Art Museum, focusing on cultural production in the African diaspora. He makes his living as a community organizer in Oakland, California, where he lives with his wife Sarah and their sons Sam and Paul.

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