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by cole swensen
Cole Swensen is the author of 17 collections of poetry, a collection of critical essays, Noise That Stays
Noise, and, most recently, Art in Time, a collection of hybrid poetry/lyric-essay works on innovative
landscape art. Her work has won the Iowa Poetry Prize, the SF State Poetry Center Book Award, and the
National Poetry Series and has been a finalist twice for the LA Times Book Award and once for the
National Book Award. A translator of contemporary French poetry, prose, and art criticism, she has also
won the PEN USA Award in Literary Translation. She divides her time between the US and France.
“These essayistic, short, poetic vignettes are witty, charming, smart, while still feeling humble and honest—a mastery that questions and undermines its own voice, but not overtly or annoyingly so; the questioning feels of a deep craft, honed over many years working in language.”
- Kristy and Dan Beachy-Quick, Colorado State University | Center for Literary Publishing
“There is such a depth and a play through this collection, as thick as a book-length critical examination on poetic structure and history. While Swensen’s perspective is very much attuned to threads along both American and French poetic traditions…one only hopes that anyone interested on working or simply reading the contemporary prose poem will consider this small and curious volume as an invaluable resource.”
- Rob Mclennan, periodicities : a journal of poetry and poetics

First printing 2022
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