by Brunella Antomarini

Translated by Derek Gromadzki

Brunella Antomarini, PhD in Aesthetics, (Gregoriana University in Rome), teaches Aesthetics and Contemporary philosophy at John Cabot University, Rome. She lives in Rome and has a pluri-disciplinary education in contemporary epistemology, aesthetics, anthropology, post-humanism. Her current research concerns pragmatism, cybernetics and systems theory. Among her recent publications are: Le macchine nubili (Castelvecchi, Rome 2020), The Maiden Machine: Philosophy in the Age of the Unborn Woman (Edgewise, New York 2013), and Thinking Through Error: The Moving Target of Knowledge (Lexington Books Lanham 2012). She is a co-editor, with Adam Berg, of Aesthetics in Present Future. The Arts in the Technological Horizon (Lexington Books, Lanham 2013).

Derek Gromadzki holds MFAs from the University of Iowa and Brown University. He is the author of two books of poems, Pilgrimage Suites (Free Verse Editions 2017), a finalist for the Cleveland State University First Book Award, and Horology (Shearsman 2021), a two-time finalist for the Anthony Hecht Prize. He is a contributing translator to Alice, Iris, Red Horse: Selected Poems of Yoshimasu Gozo (New Directions 2017). His work has appeared in a variety of journals and magazines, including 32 Poems, American Literary Review, Bellingham Review, Boston Review, The Chattahoochee Review, The PEN Poetry Series, Tokyo Poetry Journal, and Witness.

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